We offer easy to remember short and long codes for your campaigns. You can choose to use 'shared' short codes at a reduced price or, if you require it, we can offer Dedicated or Vanity short codes for your business.
If you need your own short code, we can get you setup quickly with a code we've already provisioned and are holding in the wings. If you already have your own short code, we can get it migrated for better message pricing and lower monthly charges.
We can acquire vanity or random short codes for your use. We'll help you secure the short code you desire and go through the approval process for you during the 8-12 week process. You can certainly get started with one of our shared short codes to get you up and running quickly.
A quick way to get your business or application up and running is to take advantage of one our many 'shared' short codes. There are a couple of ways to do it.
Our short codes are easy to remember. Choose from 72727 or 28748.
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